A Prayer for Peace in Ukraine
Gracious God,
ever-present with your peoples across the world,
you know the pain and suffering of the peoples of Ukraine; you are there with them,
suffering alongside them,
feeling the pain of fear and dislocation,
of death and separation.
May they feel your presence alongside them;
may they find comfort and strength in knowing that you stand with them,
holding their pain,
suffering with them in the cruelty of it all.
May they also find you in the welcome of strangers
and the warm hospitality
of neighbours receiving those who are fleeing the war.
And as we seek to stand with them, too,
and be present with them in their suffering,
we pray, give them peace, give them healing.
As we offer these prayers,
as we stand with your peoples
in their pain and suffering,
give us grace and compassion to show the love
and to take the actions we can take
to show our support,
and to bring peace and healing to this world,
in your name
for your sake
for your world.
The Rev. Philip Woods, The Presbyterian Mission Agency
ever-present with your peoples across the world,
you know the pain and suffering of the peoples of Ukraine; you are there with them,
suffering alongside them,
feeling the pain of fear and dislocation,
of death and separation.
May they feel your presence alongside them;
may they find comfort and strength in knowing that you stand with them,
holding their pain,
suffering with them in the cruelty of it all.
May they also find you in the welcome of strangers
and the warm hospitality
of neighbours receiving those who are fleeing the war.
And as we seek to stand with them, too,
and be present with them in their suffering,
we pray, give them peace, give them healing.
As we offer these prayers,
as we stand with your peoples
in their pain and suffering,
give us grace and compassion to show the love
and to take the actions we can take
to show our support,
and to bring peace and healing to this world,
in your name
for your sake
for your world.
The Rev. Philip Woods, The Presbyterian Mission Agency